
What Is This Website?

fuzzySITE simply just a showcase site created by me (avie).

You may find this website is useless and I think the same as you too. Well, at least in here you can see what I’m interested in.



Mindustry is a game that combines factory building, tower defense, and real-time strategy elements. You can create complex supply chains to feed ammo into your turrets, produce materials to use for building, and construct units to capture enemy bases and expand your production.

This game has wide cross platform compatibility, which mean you can play with your friends even when you’re playing on pc and your friends playing on mobile.

This game is available for free on Github or you can download it on steam it cost SGD$10.


Brave Browser

As a person who spend almost 15 hours everyday on internet, choosing a correct browser is a perfect way to improve my quality of life. For me, browser must has ability to:

  • Sync across devices and platform,
  • Lightweight, and
  • Block trackers.

And Brave passed all of it.

Despite being open source and recommended by Brave left some controvercies which you can read on Wiki .



Hugo is a website creation tool that uses Go, a fast and modern programming language, to generate static websites from content and templates.

Hugo is designed to be easy to use and configure, and to produce websites that are extremely fast and secure.

This website is generated by Hugo.